In an attempt to maintain a bit of sanity while my children were young, I bought a few small cross-stitch kits. Cross Stitching was easy pick up and put down at a moments notice, when the children needed some attention.
My first big project was a cross stitch Christmas stocking for my young daughter Jennifer. After each of my two boys were born, their stockings were made, then one for their father and finally mine.
However for my stocking, I made changes, I deleted part of the design and added a few of my favorite items, it took longer but I enjoyed the creative process and still do!
Soon I started my own designs, mostly using specialty stitches, and made them available to the public. I began teaching on a local and national level in 1999.

Needlework Tools:
Along the way, I realized it would be nice to have tools would make stitching faster and easier. I could not find anything suitable, so I designed a few including:
Clear View Thread/Stitch Counters I & II
Needle Park Avenue
These tools make intricate needlework designs easier for stitchers to create.
Designs and Articles for Publications:
Several of my designs have been published in Just Cross Stitch Magazine Ornament Issues and I taught needlework classes nationally.
A featured designer in the Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issues 1999-2004
Needle Arts - a publication of The Embroiders Guild of America 1998-1999
Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Cross Stitch 1998
The Country Register 2003-2006

Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issues:
1999 'Peace Mini Stocking', pgs. 17, 43-44.
2000 'Hope Mini Stocking', pgs. 24, 43-44.
2001 'Little Basket', pgs. 29 & 43.
2002 'Love Mini Stocking', pgs.13 & 39.
2003 'Joy Mini Stocking', pgs.
2004 'Ornaments', pgs.
2006 10th Anniversary Collection, pgs. 26, 28-29

National Needlework Designer/Teacher:
Creative Arts and Textiles Show, United States 1999-2002
Heart of Cross Stitch, United States 1999
National Counted Cross-Stitch Show, Arcola IL 2001-2002
Celebrations of Needlework, Nashsha NH 2002
Embroiderers Guild of America, Washington DC and Baltimore MD 2003
Cross-stitch Pals Convention, Sea Mist Resort, Myrtle Beach SC 2003
Retreat for 3 local needlework shops, Ocean City MD 2003